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Digital delivery note

Edit and print a digital delivery note with ease

  • Text Hover
  • Text Hover
  • Text Hover
  • Text Hover

Create a digital delivery note



The processing of the delivery note starts with the order list. Here, a driver can find their relevant orders by filtering through date or sorting by vehicle or driver. Our clear structure, simple symbols and clear colors help to keep an overview. 


The data in the order list is provided by the Logistics Service and is synchronized continuously with your existing logistics system. As a result, even last minute changes will be shown correctly. 


We want the Logistics Assistant to work for you, so you can adapt and change all fields and descriptions to suit your needs. 

The next step is to start filling out the form.

The process

Once an order has been selected, the driver can fill in the details of a digital delivery note.


The Logistics Assistant supports a wide range of notes and automatic checks. For example, logical errors can be indicated during input, additional fields can be inserted or blanked in the digital delivery note. Filed formulas can calculate the duration or quantities and fill in the corresponding fields automatically. 


Filling the form in should be as simple and fast as possible. Numbers can be entered with just a keyboard. Times can be browsed and confirmed via a clock and texts can be prepared and saved ready for use.


A customer sees a preview of the finished delivery note together with a field for the signature on the display of the device.


After the customer has signed the digital delivery note, the driver and the electronic signature are digitally signed by the Logistics Assistant and sent back to the logistic sync service, which ensures the document is secure.


In the last step, the printing is prepared for customers. The Logistics Assistant creates a secure connection to the mobile printer via Bluetooth..


The printed document can contain further information or notes for the customer, in addition to the actual delivery note data and the signature. .